[Dict] debian-installer: Please update the PO translation for the package debian-installer

Christian Perrier bubulle at debian.org
Fri Feb 17 20:53:14 EET 2012


Your language was previously complete in Debian Installer sublevel 2.

However, one string was slightly changed yesterday and stats are not
down to 99% for your language.

The needed update shouldn't probably take you more than 1 minute.
Would you consider bringing your language back to 100%?

Please try doing the commit yourself to D-I SVN. Most of you have
commit access. Some do not and indeed ask someone else (often another
translator for their language) to do the commit....and some of you
also ask me directly.

Please try to use these options in that order as you have no idea
about the induced hassle if everybody asks me to do commits...:-)

Still, if you really have no option, then send the file directly to me
and I'll commit anyway.

Many thanks for your cooperation.

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