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[Fwd: Re: [Full-Disclosure] OT: An odd question that has arrisen within my household]

(izvinqvam se predvaritelno, ako Georgi ne iska da go citiram, no prosto
ne moga da se sdurzha :) Towa pismo dojde vuv full-disclosure mailing
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Sorry for the rant, but what's wrong with being anti-social?
When i look in bulgarian history, i see that the heroes of today are "something-similar-to-terrorist" of yesterday. May apply to others countries as well.


On Mon, 13 Oct 2003 07:09:21 -0400
Joshua Levitsky <jlevitsk@joshie.com> wrote:

> because they choose not to. Some of these people are damn cool. Some 
> are just anti-social, but that really isn't the norm so far as I can 
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