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RE: biografija ;-)
Twa e po-qko :-))))
-----Original Message-----
From: Plamen Tonev [mailto:micro@fadata.bg]
Sent: Thursday, December 11, 2003 1:19 AM
To: humor@lists.nat.bg
Subject: biografija ;-)
sekcijata Biografija
"The evil that men do lives after them; the good that men do is often
interred with their bones." --Shakespeare, Julius Caesar.
Public PGP key at: http://pgp.mit.edu
pub 1024D/98D3363F 2003/08/16 Plamen Tonev (MiCRoPhoBIC) <micro@fadata.bg>
Key fingerprint = 5D08 C610 0F09 618E 3515 5C87 0F62 3808 98D3 363F
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