[Media] Online interview for OpenFest web site and press releases - ERIK
Goritza Belogusheva
gbelogusheva at abcbg.com
Tue Oct 16 11:48:51 EEST 2007
Hello Erik,
My name is Gortiza Belogusheva and I am part of the media team of OpenFest (www.openfest.org). Our team takes care of press coverage of the fest and keeping the web site updated with news items and information on our guests which may be of interest to the media.
We think that the Bulgarian media and FOSS fans would be interested if you answered a few questions in the form of an online interview. Your answers will be published on the OpenFest web site and distributed to the press for publication.
I am sending you the questions below, and I will be happy to receive your answers as an e-mail reply. Thank you in advance for your time.
1.What makes battling for protection of our rights in the digital world a different one? What are the most common threats and violations?
2.Are the EU-legislation authorities deliberately trying to scare and to criminalize the private Internet users - with directives like IPRED2? Or it is rather due to oversight?
3.Is there a date for second reading voting of the IPRED2? What are your expectations, hopes and fears?
4.Do the authorities fighting the organized crime have a point to persuade and frighten the normal, legal Internet users?
5.What are the blogger's rights? And what laws and rules do the bloggers' themselves violate most often?
6.Are there any claims against European bloggers? In which EU country the bloggers are most secure and protected? Are you familiar with the situation in Bulgaria?
7.What happened to the software patents in Europe – have they been really and finally rejected or just the debate has moved on to another level?
8.EU has accepted a number of declarations, programs and strategies about encouraging and supporting the innovations, education and technologies. Are they implemented in the practice at a sufficient degree?
9.EU encourages the use of open standards Europe-wide, especially in the electronic communication of the government with its citizens. Is there a possibility EU to sanction a country who doesn't comply?
10.EFF, FFII and other organizations look for a broad public support from the EU citizens. How much the EU institutions are influenced by the public opinion and pressure? As for Bulgaria - not much yet, alas.
11.What are your expectations towards the upcoming OpenFest?
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