[nog] Community Projects Fund and RACI

Gergana Petrova gpetrova at ripe.net
Mon Nov 20 12:26:40 EET 2017

Hi all,

I want to share two funding opportunities with you.

Community Projects Fund
Are you working on improving the operation and resilience of the 
Internet? Apply *by 24 November* for the RIPE NCC Community Projects Fund:

Community-driven, non-commercial work has been fundamental to the 
success of the Internet from its earliest days, and continues to play an 
important role in making the Internet resilient, secure and accessible 
for everyone.

Is your project of benefit to the Internet, particularly the RIPE 
community? Is your project non-commercial in nature? Do you have a clear 
project plan and timeline?

Under the RIPE NCC Community Projects Fund, the RIPE NCC will provide up 
to EUR 250,000 per year to support projects of value to the operation 
and resilience of the Internet, with a focus on tools and services 
benefitting the technical community in the Europe, the Middle East and 
Central Asia.

Keep in mind that funding may be used to purchase equipment, but this 
cannot be the sole expenditure. Funding cannot be used for humanitarian 
aid, donations, or to encourage political reform, to provide 
scholarships or cover tuition fees or to support any form of commercial 

RIPE Academic Cooperation Initiative (RACI)
I've posted about RACI in the past, so I will be brief this time. If you 
are an academic and you would like to present your research at our 
meetings, but don't have the funds for your travel, then apply for RACI:


Application Deadlines:
RIPE 76 (14-18 May, Marseille): Apply by 11 March 2018
ENOG 15 (4-5 June, Moscow): Apply by 1 April 2018
SEE 7 (18-19 June, Timisoara): Apply by 15 April 2018

Let me know if you have any questions. If you know a friend of colleague 
who might be interested, please forward them this email.

Best regards,

Gergana Petrova
External Relations

Stationsplein 11, 1012 AB Amsterdam, The Netherlands
T: +31 20 535 4444

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