[Us] Makerspace Inquiry

Drew Vincent drewrvincent at gmail.com
Mon Jan 6 15:12:36 EET 2020


My name is Drew Vincent and I am doing my Masters Thesis on Makerspaces 
around the world. As a part of my thesis I am putting together a best 
practices summary through site visits, surveys and interviews, this will be 
summarized and turned into a resource forum/wiki for operators to find best 
practices and see the entire community of makers grow around the globe.

I am currently reaching out to find out some basic information about your 
space in this 2 minute questionnaire . I am using this information for some 
basic quantitative information as well as to select a variety of spaces to 
do follow-up interviews and site visits. This survey does not obligate you 
to any further involvement.

https://forms.gle/sGZqMypdDmUXsWEs9 [https://forms.gle/sGZqMypdDmUXsWEs9]

All information is of course confidential, will not be used for any 
commercial purposes and will be your decision on opting-in on how it is 

Thank you for your assistance in this, I hope to see this movement continue 
to grow in communities around the world.

Drew Vincent
University of Applied Science - Worms Germany
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