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Re: you're bulgarian when...
twa mina prez unibg foruma i predizwika dosta diskusii. za men towa si e
pisano ot rodoljubiw bylgarin, pylno e sys neshta koito opredeleno
ne-bylgarin bi iztylkuwal pogreshno, i ne e osobeno originalno. s 2 dumi
nishto syshtestweno, no na english i razprostranjawashto se dosta za
syzdawane na wpechatlenie ot BG
wwell edi
Ps izdrazni me totalnata lipsa na dobrite neshta. lipswashe, naprimer,
trojanskata, jambolskata, karnobatskata, plevenskoto i drugi.
Aaron wrote:
abe ne sum go pisal az.. +tva kogato go chetah.. sum siguren che malko
strani mogat da vleznat v tva opisanie..
P.S Kolegata da ti pratia 2-3 stiha da gi izkritikuvash che gledam ta
surbiat rucete?;)
11.Both your parents had to walk to school barefoot in the snow, 5 km
uphill - both ways - and over rocks and they make sure to remind you
time you get in your car.
12.When you make jokes based on your own tragedy.
13.When you can hear your parents talking and you are across the street.
14.Everyone is sure youre Greek or Italian.
15.When your father is talking to you and every other word he calls
you is
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